Aspirants of the Civil Service Exam should never expect easy questions in the IAS examination. Students should be thorough in their preparation to solve ias questions. This article will briefly help you understand the importance of previous years ias questions, the interview stage of the civil services exam, and the qualifications criteria required to appear for the civil services exam.
Aspirants who wish to appear for the civil services exam should fulfill the educational qualification criteria, minimum and maximum age limits, and the nationality criteria. Depending on the category that aspirants belong to, there are certain relaxations in the maximum age limit criteria. The candidates should be at least 21 years old and for the general category, the age limit is 32 years. The interview stage of the civil services exam is never easy. The selected candidates should have done thorough preparation concerning the details shared in the Detailed Application Form. Only around a few thousand candidates are eligible for the interview stage of the civil services exam out of the lakhs of students who appear for this examination. The candidates will be evaluated for a maximum of 275 marks in the UPSC Civil Service examination. The final ranking list of the IAS Exam is published based on the marks obtained by the students in both the Mains Examination and the Interview, for a grand total of 2025 marks.
Candidates should never forget the fact that the combined experience of the interview panelists will be many many years. Hence, there is and will always be scope where the students find it difficult to answer the questions posed by the interview panel. A good strategy to prepare for the interview stage would be to follow the details given in your application form. Be prepared to answer questions based on your education profile, your work experience, questions related to the industry in which you were working, questions related to your hobbies, questions related to your optional subjects, current affairs etc. It is important for the candidates to envisage the questions that could be asked and build on the network of questions that could be asked in the interview. Candidates need to prepare on their strengths and weaknesses. Candidates will be tested on their morality, integrity, intelligence, ability to make quick decisions, level of mental alertness, ability to cope with difficulties, ability to resolve conflicts, leadership qualities, ability to maintain a balanced mind in light of difficulties, etc.
Candidates should always remember to begin their preparation by referring to the previous years IAS questions. Without referring to many previous years’ question papers it is not possible to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus that needs to be covered for the civil service exam. Solving the previous years ias questions will help candidates to envisage the kind of questions that could be asked in the Prelims, and Mains stage of the civil service exam. By solving the previous years ias questions candidates can understand their weak points, strong points and accordingly work on strengthening their weak areas. By solving the previous years ias questions candidates can learn on how to manage time on the day of the examination. Candidates will be able to better prepare themselves on the questions that need to be tackled and questions that could be dropped which may consume more time thereby impacting the total number of questions that could be solved. Hence, aspiring students will be better prepared in time management.